
Safe Sender Email Instructions

Here at MWF, we want to connect great writers with great readers like you. But sometimes your email has other ideas and treats us like spam! It’s why you may not have received our eNewsletters recently.

So, help us keep you in the know by adding us to your ‘Safe Senders’ list on your email. Just find your email platform below and follow the steps.

Apple Mail: Open our email, select the dropdown menu in ‘Melbourne Writers Festival’ in the ‘From’ section, then select ‘Add to VIP’ from the list of options

Gmail: If our email ends up in your ‘Social’ or ‘Promotions’ folders, simply drag our email into your ‘Primary’ inbox. A pop-up will appear, asking if you would like to make this change for all future emails from this address, select ‘Yes’

Android: Open our email and tap on the contact picture that appears before the email message, then click ‘Save contact to my device’ from the list of options

Outlook: Open our email, select the three dots (…) in the top-right corner and select ‘Add to Safe Senders’

OUTLOOK365 (web): In your inbox preview pane, right-click on our email, then select ‘Junk’, then ‘Never Block Sender’