
Jazz Money’s Best of the Fest

Jazz Money is a Wiradjuri poet and artist who uses poetics to create works across print, installation, digital, performance and film. Her writing and art has been presented, performed and published nationally and internationally.

Discover the events she’s most looking forward to at the Festival and reflections on the 2023 theme. You can see Jazz Money at the Festival’s Opening Night: I’ve Been Away For A While.


What are your three must-see events of the Festival?

Art and Stories

Sat 6 May, 10.30am

State Library Village Roadshow Theatrette

The panellists and chair for this event are all brilliant First Nations women I deeply admire working across poetry, art, academia and story. Listening to any one of them speak is a gift and education, listening to them together in dialogue will surely be one of the highlights of this year’s festival.



Queering the Canon

Sat 6 May, 4.30pm

The Capitol

Queer writing discussed by queer icons? Iconic. Maeve Marsden’s beloved Queerstories have a knack for making you laugh and cry within a heartbeat of each as you marvel at the power and importance of queer story. The speakers at this event have all made me laugh or cry, or both, so buckle in for a night of elation and power.



Ellen van Neerven: Personal Score

Sat 6 May, 1.30pm

State Library Victoria, Village Roadshow Theatrette

I am so excited to hear the 2023 MWF First Nations Curators Tony Birch and Ellen van Neerven sit down to discuss van Neerven’s most recent work Personal Score. Both bring such a depth of knowledge about writing (which I know a little about) and sports (which I know very little about) that I’m sure will have me understanding our national psyche anew after this event.



What have you been away from for a while?

In 2022, my wife and I packed up our life and went on a post-lockdown ‘gap year’. Returning back home in 2023 has provided a fresh view of the madness, joys and terrors that are abounding in Australia, and a renewed sense of urgency for change.