
Frequently asked questions

We're here to help you plan your visit to MWF Schools.

Planning your Festival

When does MWF Schools take place?

MWF Schools runs across 6–9 May. The Secondary Schools Program takes place 6–7 May, and the Primary Schools Program takes place 8–9 May.

Who can attend MWF Schools?

All MWF Schools events are restricted to school groups containing school-aged children only, plus an accompanying teacher or supervisor.

As a guide, our program offers events for primary school students from Years 3 to 6 and secondary school students from Years 7 to 11.

How do I book tickets to MWF Schools?

Book tickets on our website here.

For booking enquiries, please email ticketing@mwf.com.au.

How do I book my complimentary teacher ticket?

For every 20 tickets purchased to MWF Schools, you are entitled to one complimentary ticket for a teacher/adult.

You can choose the number of complimentary and paid teacher tickets when using our online booking system.

How do I pay for my booking?

Please submit your payment online via bank card, as a first preference, or if that method isn't suitable, please submit an invoice on our website when booking, with your PO number.

I've paid via invoice or EFT. When is my payment due?

Please submit your payment before Friday 1 March 2024. Your booking will not be secured without payment.

Our school can no longer attend. Can I get a refund?

Your payment will become non-refundable as of Friday 1 March 2024. Please contact MWF via ticketing@mwf.com.au to organise a refund prior to this date.

After this date, tickets can not be exchanged or refunded unless the event is cancelled. Please see our Terms of Sale for more information.

Can I change my group numbers?

Your payment will become non-refundable as of Friday 1 March 2024. Please contact MWF via ticketing@mwf.com.au to see if it's possible to change the number of tickets purchased before this date.

According to our Terms of Sale, tickets can not be refunded unless the event is cancelled.

How can I get a printed version of the program guide?

You can browse and download the MWF Schools program via the links here.

My students have access requirements. Who can I speak to?

Please inform us at the time of booking of any accessibility requirements. Melbourne Writers Festival has unallocated seating. Please contact us if you require reserved seating to accommodate access needs.

For more information on accessibility or to notify us of any access requirements, please email ticketing@mwf.com.au.

I’m a parent. Can I bring my children to MWF Schools?

Unfortunately, MWF Schools is strictly for school groups only.

Where can I access MWF's Child Safety and Risk Assessment Policy?

MWF is committed to the safety of children of all ages, abilities, and cultural backgrounds. Children are vital and active participants in our Festival. We want children to feel safe, happy and empowered. We support and respect all children just as we support our staff and volunteers.

MWF's Child Safety and Risk Assessment Policy has been developed in line with Victoria's Child Safe Standards, and you can email ticketing@mwf.com.au for a PDF copy.

On the day

Do I need to bring tickets?

Please bring your booking confirmation email on the day. There is no need to print or distribute individual tickets to students. Once you've arrived at the venue, our team will greet you, check your booking number, and allocate you to your seating.

Where will MWF Schools take place?

The MWF Schools primary and secondary program will be held at State Library Victoria (328 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000).

For more information about getting to this venue, visit the State Library Victoria website.

Will there be book signings?

Yes, there will be two opportunities throughout the day for students to have their books signed at the venue: in the first break from 11.30am to 12.30am, and for 30 minutes following the last event (2–2.30pm).

Will there be a bookshop at the venue?

Students can purchase books on the day at the pop-up Readings bookstore. Readings will be accepting cash and card payments across all days.

Is the Festival going to photograph or record my students?

MWF employs the services of a professional photographer to record events throughout the Festival. These photos are for archival and marketing purposes. The purchase of a ticket grants implied permission for these photos to be used for the intended purposes.

If you, or any students in your care, do not wish to be photographed, please inform the photographer at the venue or speak with a Festival representative on the day.